‣Lien EC, Lyssiotis CA, Juvekar A, Hu H, Asara JM, Cantley LC, Toker A. Glutathione biosynthesis is a metabolic vulnerability in PI(3)K/Akt-driven breast cancer. Nature Cell Biology 2016; 18(5): 572-8. Medline
‣ Mancini ML, Lien EC, Toker A. Oncogenic AKT1(E17K) mutation induces mammary hyperplasia but prevents HER2-driven tumorigenesis. Oncotarget 2016; 7(14): 17301-13. Medline
‣ Brown KK, Montaser-Kouhsari L, Beck AH, Toker A. MERIT40 Is an Akt Substrate that Promotes Resolution of DNA Damage Induced by Chemotherapy. Cell Reports 2015; 11(9): 1358-66. Medline
‣ Kaunisto A, Henry WS, Montaser-Kouhsari L, Jaminet SC, Oh EY, Zhao L, Luo HR, Beck AH, Toker A. NFAT1 promotes intratumoral neutrophil infiltration by regulating IL8 expression in breast cancer. Molecular Oncology 2015; 9(6): 1140-54. Medline
‣ Gasser JA, Inuzuka H, Lau AW, Wei W, Beroukhim R, Toker A. SGK3 mediates INPP4B-dependent PI3K signaling in breast cancer. Molecular Cell 2014; 56(4): 595-607. Medline
‣ Chin YR, Yuan X, Balk SP, Toker A. PTEN-deficient tumors depend on AKT2 for maintenance and survival. Cancer Discovery 2014; 4(8): 942-55. Medline
‣ Chin YR, Yoshida T, Marusyk A, Beck AH, Polyak K, Toker A. Targeting Akt3 signaling in triple-negative breast cancer. Cancer Research 2014; 74(3): 964-73. Medline
‣ Elloul S, Kedrin D, Knoblauch NW, Beck AH, Toker A. The adherens junction protein afadin is an AKT substrate that regulates breast cancer cell migration. Molecular Cancer Research 2014; 12(3): 464-76. Medline
‣ Kazerounian S, Gerald D, Huang M, Chin YR, Udayakumar D, Zheng N, O'Donnell RK, Perruzzi C, Mangiante L, Pourat J, Phung TL, Bravo-Nuevo A, Shechter S, McNamara S, Duhadaway JB, Kocher ON, Brown LF, Toker A, Prendergast GC, Benjamin LE. RhoB differentially controls Akt function in tumor cells and stromal endothelial cells during breast tumorigenesis. Cancer Research 2012; In press. Medline
‣ Inuzuka H, Gao D, Finley LW, Yang W, Wan L, Fukushima H, Chin YR, Zhai B, Shaik S, Lau AW, Wang Z, Gygi SP, Nakayama K, Teruya-Feldstein J, Toker A, Haigis MC, Pandolfi PP, Wei W. Acetylation-dependent regulation of skp2 function. Cell. 2012; 150(1):179-93. Medline
‣ Christoforides, C. V., Rainero, E., Brown, K. K., Norman, J. C. and Toker, A. PKD Controls v3 Integrin Recycling and Tumor Cell Invasive Migration Through its Substrate Rabaptin-5. Developmental Cell 2012; 11;23(3):560-72. Medline
‣ Banerji S, Cibulskis K, Rangel-Escareno C, Brown KK, Carter SL, Frederick AM, Lawrence MS, Sivachenko AY, Sougnez C, Zou L, Cortes ML, Fernandez-Lopez JC, Peng S, Ardlie KG, Auclair D, Bautista-Piña V, Duke F, Francis J, Jung J, Maffuz-Aziz A, Onofrio RC, Parkin M, Pho NH, Quintanar-Jurado V, Ramos AH, Rebollar-Vega R, Rodriguez-Cuevas S, Romero-Cordoba SL, Schumacher SE, Stransky N, Thompson KM, Uribe-Figueroa L, Baselga J, Beroukhim R, Polyak K, Sgroi DC, Richardson AL, Jimenez-Sanchez G, Lander ES, Gabriel SB, Garraway LA, Golub TR, Melendez-Zajgla J, Toker A, Getz G, Hidalgo-Miranda A, Meyerson M. Sequence analysis of mutations and translocations across breast cancer subtypes. Nature 2012; 486(7403): 405-9. Medline
‣ Gao D, Inuzuka H, Tan MK, Fukushima H, Locasale JW, Liu P, Wan L, Zhai B, Chin YR, Shaik S, Lyssiotis CA, Gygi SP, Toker A, Cantley LC, Asara JM, Harper JW, Wei W. mTOR Drives Its Own Activation via SCF(βTrCP)-Dependent Degradation of the mTOR Inhibitor DEPTOR. Mol Cell. 2011; 44(2): 290-303. Medline
‣ Yiu, G. K., Kaunisto, A., Chin, Y. R. and Toker, A. NFAT Promotes Carcinoma Invasive Migration Through Glypican-6. Biochemical Journal 2011; 440(1):157-66. Medline
‣ Chin YR, Toker A. Akt2 regulates expression of the actin-bundling protein palladin. FEBS Lett. 2010 Dec 1;584(23):4769-74. Medline
‣ Gao D, Wan L, Inuzuka H, Berg AH, Tseng A, Zhai B, Shaik S, Bennett E, Tron AE, Gasser JA, Lau A, Gygi SP, Harper JW, DeCaprio JA, Toker A, Wei W. Rictor forms a complex with Cullin-1 to promote SGK1 ubiquitination and destruction. Mol Cell. 2010 Sep 10;39(5):797-808. Medline
‣ Fry JL, Toker A. Secreted and membrane-bound isoforms of protease ADAM9 have opposing effects on breast cancer cell migration. Cancer Res. 2010 Oct 15;70(20):8187-98. Medline
‣ Nhek, S., Ngo, M., Yang, X., Ng, M., Field, S. J., Asara, J. M., Ridgeway, N. D. and Toker, A. Regulation of OSBP Golgi Localization Through Protein Kinase D-mediated Phosphorylation Molecular Biology of the Cell 2010; 21: 2327-2337. Medline
‣ Chin, Y. R. and Toker, A. The actin bundling protein Palladin is an Akt1-specific substrate that regulates breast cancer cell migration. Molecular Cell 2010; 38: 333-344. Medline
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‣ Maurer, M., Su, T., Saal, L. H., Koujak S., Hopkins B. D., Barkley C. R., Wu, J., Nandula S., Dutta, B., Xie Y., Chin Y. R., Kim, D.-I., Ferris, J. S., Gruvberger-Saal S. K., Laakso M., Wang X., Memeo L., Rojtman A., Matos T., Yu J. S., Cordon-Cardo C., Isola J., Terry M. B., Toker A., Mills G. B., Zhao J. J., Murty V. V. V. S., Hibshoosh H., and Parsons, R. 3-Phosphoinositide–Dependent Kinase 1 Potentiates Upstream Lesions on the Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Pathway in Breast Carcinoma. Cancer Research 2009; 69 (15): 6299-6306. Medline